Tuesday, August 08, 2006

A Mississaugian for the Weekend ... umm, yea

Assalaamu Alaikum :D

I had such a beautiful weekend. I spent it at my khala's (mother's sister) place with my cousins. I knew I would have a good time but I didn't realize it was something I really needed for this never-ending summer *sigh* The men in the house were away for the weekend so my mother and I decided to stay with her sister for a few days. It would also give us the chance to spend some time with my grandmother (mom's mommy) because she is leaving for India in September.

We arrived this day and there wasn't really much to do because we got there in the evening time. It just gave my cousins and I time to figure out what we would do for the next couple of days. So we rented a movie to watch that night. Fun with Dick and Jane ... it was actually amusing, I enjoyed it. Oh, we also hung out with my other cousin, who has a little boy, 2 years old and it took him a while to get used to us but he loosened up a bit later. He's so adorable, if you ask him "what happened to you?", he will respond with "aashiqee", meaning "in love" haha Now who is he in love with, I have no idea. Silly.

Since my older cousin would be working most of the day ... my younger cousin and I decided to to spend our time in Square One. I love going there, only because I never seem to get through the entire mall in just a matter of hours. You need to spend an entire day there it seems. Okay, well for me, since I like to take my time to look at things and I'm also a picky shopper so it's hard to decide on anything *if* I even do end up liking something. Overall, it was a nice experience because I don't get the chance to hang out with my young cousin too often. Masha'Allah, she is a gem! What shocked me the most was through out the whole time we were in the mall, I actually forgot to visit a Dollar Store. A Dollar Store! If you didn't know, I love them. I think they're wonderful. Especially Dollarama and since Square One has both of them ... definitely something to drool over. So just before we were about to leave, we ran to one of the Dollar Stores (which I wasn't very impressed with). While we were eating in the food court, a guy approached us (we noticed he was stalking us quite a bit earlier). He was a Pakistani man and was going on and on about how he had no way of getting home and had absolutely no money for food etc etc ... I wasn't sure if he was telling the truth because unfortunately there are a lot of incidents taking place like that, only Allah Swt knows but I still tried to help him out because he identified me as a Muslim and really seemed to need help. Poor guy.

We finally had the chance to do some baking at home ... mmm mmm goodness. What did we make? We made chocolate cupcakes! My cousin loves to experiment a lot so we topped them off with M&Ms. Wasn't so bad, actually ... it was quite addictive. While making it, we basically put all the ingredients together until we realized we had no eggs haha So we had to borrow some from our cousin (who lives in the basement). We needed three and she only had three left, aww. We considered this time to be a slumber party so we had A LOT of junkfood with us ... voila:

M&M cupcakes

Junk foooood

We also played Carrom board for a little bit too! I was sooo happy because I just LOVE that game for some reason. It was so much fun ... of course my team kept winning hehe My uncle was pretty good too, he reminded me of my dad and I was thinking they should definitely play against one another.

Carom Board

This day was just lovely. One of my cousin's, he dropped by the house with his 3 sons, his 3 hyper sons haha And it was an entertaining time ... especially his youngest, who is 2 years old. This kid is so cute masha'Allah, most of us call him "sumo" because he looks like a sumo wrestler teehehe The plan was to stay at the Heartland center for most of the day but ... that didn't happen so we hung out there for a little while instead. Went back to Square One and did those photo-booth pictures haha hilarious.

Cute Moment:
Has nothing to do with our weekend but my aunt was telling me that she was teaching her grandson Dawud how to play Hide-and-go-seek. She told him that he has to go hide something and she will come to find him. He agreed and hid. My aunt calls out, "Okay Dawud, I'm coming to find youuuu ..." And just then, emerging from his hiding spot, she heard a cute little voice saying, "I'm right here, dadima*". Awww :) He's so precious, masha'Allah.

*dadima - grandmother


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Squeeky, you have a HUGE sweet tooth dont ya! haha.. masha'Allah those cupcakes looked yummy!

8/08/2006 9:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Squeaky!!! Glad to see that you have updated your blog. Just a few things to quickly comment on. Fun with Dick and Jane was quite a terrible movie. I mean it had its funny parts but I personally felt it was a let down.

HAHA the dollar store! Cant believe someone else likes that place. That make's the two of us!! Usually wen i go watch a movie at my theatre (gota love the connection i just established between the first two paragraphs :-p) i always go and get the two for a dollar drinks and the two for a dollar chocolate bars. There pretty cool though my friends say that the dollar store food doesnt taste as great as regular store food (can that really be so? Maybe its a psychological thing.. u pay less u get less quality hmm think about that).. hmm i wonder if thats an actual fact or not.. you can also find great gifts at the dollar store though! You just have to be careful though I mean one time I gave my teacher a gift for christmas and then it was all wrapped up in colourful rapping paper (yes the wrapping paper was from the dollar store also) and then he opened it. His eyes opened wide in amazement as the class watched enthusiastically what I had given him. and then he saw the mug he could use for his morning tea and he was so happy!!!..... until he saw the bottom portion of it which read $1.00.. stupid me forgot to take the price tag off DOH!

lol nice to hear u were being stalked by a Pakistani dude.. hopefully the experience wasnt too frightening though I am sure you are used to it.. how did u help him out though.. did u show him where the dollar stores were? HAHAHA I mean it doesnt take a genius to notice that the place is filled with desis

I hope this thing doesnt cut me off but I also wanted to say that I like playing on the carom board though i think i lost mine aww man... I see you also put the stupid white powder to make the pieces flow more.. doesnt the game hurt your delicate hands man.. i still remember the pain my fingers experienced after playing a game with them uncles.. i guess ur still okay though with all that lovely tastey food your able to cook... *MMMM CHOCOLATE*

Oh wow I truly would be surprised if you actually take the effort to read all these random and pointless thoughts of mine.. not to mention though that it wouldnt be greatly appreciated if u did :-p neway I gota go to sleep its getting quite late here!
Gnite sister
May Allah swt bring you prosperity and happiness

8/09/2006 1:33 AM  
Blogger 'liya said...

I noticed the white powder too! But I never really learned how to play that game properly.. I used to make my Barbies "ice skate" on the board :D

Yum to the delicious close-up picture!

8/09/2006 6:04 PM  
Blogger Squeeky said...

Assalaamu Alaikum :)

Yes, yes I do ... I can't help it! But thanks hehe
Oh my, you wrote your own entry! haha I'm so glad other's feel the way I feel about the Dollar Store!
Aren't you supposed to apply the white powder?! The pieces glide so much more smoothly, I love it. And that's so cute haha a skating rink for your barbies aww good idea ;)

8/11/2006 1:39 PM  
Blogger n said...

oh carren board is so much fun!

8/11/2006 4:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mmmm cake. And that sounds like a busy weekend!

8/12/2006 8:06 AM  
Blogger Umm Haniah said...

as salamu alaykum,
awww Dawud is soo cute mashaAllah.
*sigh* I miss playing hide and go seek , tag and all those childhood games...brings back loads of memories.

8/13/2006 11:19 PM  

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