Monday, May 28, 2007

Accommodate me! ..... plz?

Assalaamu Alaikum :)

So, I have been going to the gym for a few months now and I'm telling you ... it has been great. I feel like I'm going to become some sort of Super-Hijabi! I use most of the equipment available in the women's area (although the co-ed section has some pretty tempting weight machines, grr) except for one. This lat machine:

Since my attendance at GoodLife, I have only attempted to use this machine, once. Why, you ask? Because I'm a weakling? Well, that too but the story just gets a little more interesting than that.

I have been able to convince a couple of my co-workers to go to the gym with me. A friend of mine decided to work out with me one day and we looked long and hard at this machine. We were sure it would be able to do wonders in our work-out routine. We probably stood there for about 5 mins just looking at it. Not that we did not know how to use it ... but we weren't sure if we could reach it :S Darn that bar for being so high!

We quickly became discouraged. I was ready to just walk away with a *sigh* because my plats were not availabe for help. But my friend was determined, oh boy was she determined. We went up to it ... stood beside it ... looked up (because we're quite little) and tried to problem solve as to how we can reach up to catch the bar. Our itty bitty arms were not helping the situation :(

So I had a plan! Yay for plans!

Squeeky: Okay. I will hold this end of the bar and you reach the other end.
Friend: Okay! Good idea.

I reach up and take one end ... but ... there's a problem

Friend: My end is tilting up higher! I can't reach it!
Squeeky: Oh shucks ... the weight is too heavy maybe, let me put it on a lighter notch.

I change the weight and give it another go ... which didn't really help
Along comes a nice lady who saw us struggle and brought the bar down for us

Squeeky: Awww ... she's so sweet! Now we can finally use this thing!
Friend: Uhh ... how about you try it first.

I sit down and with the help of my friend, I have the bar in my hands and here I go ..

Squeeky: Umm ... this weight is a bit too easy :S We need to change it and add more pounds.
Friend: Uh huh ... but how are we supposed to change it without leaving the bar?!
Squeeky: Ohhhh crapulants! *cries*

We decided to try anyway. I got off and changed the weight to something more challenging

Squeeky: Alright, done! Now ... where's that lady?
Friend: This is hopeless ... I'm going to stand on the seat to reach it.
Squeeky: haha No! Everyone's already looking and laughing at us within themselves, if we do that, we're just going to seem more pathetic.
Friend: Who cares, we need to use this thing.

Friend climbs onto the seat and pulls down the bar

Squeeky & Friend: Success!

Who would have known that simple (for others) machine would cause such a ruckus? I must ask GoodLife to do something about this ... I deserve to use it too!


Blogger Asmaa said...

haha, that's great :D

5/28/2007 11:15 PM  
Blogger Nauman said...

Haha, that's hilarious. I never realized how difficult that weight-machine could be... I need to go to the gym more - too much hockey and not enough weight-lifting. :(

5/29/2007 9:57 AM  
Blogger Ahmed said...

haha, I never realized it would hard for people to reach the bar.....good for you for keeping at it!

5/29/2007 1:12 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Hahaha.. that is soo funny and I can totally relate. That is the one machine i couldn't figure out either... and the bar is too high! Discrimination.. against shorter people. And the directions didn't really help in understanding either. So i feel ur pain. But, Yayyy for you, because you manned it out and gave it a try. What's it target?

5/29/2007 4:42 PM  
Blogger Squeeky said...

Assalaamu Alaikum :)

Thanks a lot for laughing at my hardship! grr

No it wasn't :(
You just need to find a source of motivation and insha'Allah you'll be going more often.
Thanks ... I wanted to try it today but there were too many people around :S
I was eavesdropping while a trainer was explaining to someone how to use it. It's supposed to target your arms and back muscles *sigh* btw ... I think I'll be seeing you soon ...? ;)

5/31/2007 8:52 PM  

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