Monday, January 23, 2006


Assalaamu Alaikum

Just wanted to post a quick note to the people who take their time to read what I have to share now and then hehe Umm ... I will be away from my blog for a while. Not sure how long but I need some time for myself so I feel this is what I need to do.

I'm doing okay alhamdulillah, so no need to worry :) Insha'Allah with Allah Swt's help, everything will be more than okay.

Fi-aman'Allah ... wasalaam

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

*~Eid Mubarak~*

Assalaamu Alaikum :)

Just wanted to wish everyone out there a safe and beautiful Eid Mubarak. I hope you spend it with the ones you love and care for dearly insha'Allah. And those who have just had the amazing opportunity of performing Hajj, may Allah Swt accept it! Brings back lovely memories *sigh*

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Assalaamu Alaikum! :)

My first post in 2006. Insha'Allah it will be a beautiful year for all of us.

Yesterday, my family went to a rehab centre to visit my uncle who is recovering from hip replacement surgery. Alhamdulillah he is getting better by each day so it was real nice to see him improving. But since only 2 visitors are allowed at one time in the room, my brother and I were kinda kicked out. So we hung out in the "rec room" that provided us with a computer, a big television set, couches with many many magazines and a monopoly board. I decided to look at a Reader's Digest because of the interesting jokes. So interesting that I decided to share a couple which had my brother and I "laughing out loud!"

Funny #1:

In Israel to cover the fighting, a young reporter
decided to look for a human-interest story. In
Jerusalem , she heard about an old man who's been
going to the Wailing Wall to pray, twice a day for a
very long time.
So she went to the Wailing Wall and there he was!
"Sir," she asked, "how long have you been coming to
the Wailing Wall to pray?"
"For 50 years."
"What do you pray for?"
"For peace between the Jews and the Arabs. For
our children to grow up in safety and friendship."
"How do you feel after 50 years?"
"Like I'm talking to a wall."

Funny #2:

Police cadets are being trained in the fine points of
recognizing suspects. To test their skills, an officer holds
up a photo, then quickly hides it.
"This is your suspect," he tells one cadet. "Describe him."
The cadet says, "he's an ugly-looking one-eyed guy."
"You only see one eye because he's in profile," the
officer explains.
He flashes the photo at a second cadet. "Here's the perp.
What do you do?"
"I'd round up all the one-eared crooks."
"I told you, it's a photo of his profile," the officer repeats.
A third cadet pipes up. "The suspect wears contact
"That's true," says the officer, relieved one of the new
recruits is on the ball. "How'd you conclude that?"
"Easy," says the cadet. "He can't wear glasses because
he only has one eye and one ear."

teehehe! (if you did not find any of these funny at all ... humour me please)

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