Thursday, September 27, 2007

Trial & Error

Assalaamu Alaikum :)


How is everyone's Ramadan coming along so far? Alhamdulillah, I consider this to be the best Ramadan, ever! There is just so much more going on and I am able to make the most of the days I have. I always make certain goals for myself during this blessed month and do my best to meet them. Alhamdulillah, so far so good! It just makes you feel so good knowing you are able to successfully reach those goals. The iftaar parties have been fun too hehe Even though I've missed quite a few of them due to prior engagements but oh well, I'll make it up to them later! I love meeting up with old/new friends during this month and just reflect upon its beauty. Ramadan is going by sooo fast :(

I haven't been baking as much because my dad packed away most of my baking supplies, argh. So I'm working with what I have. I made an imitation version of Hostess Cupcakes. It was really cool making them because I had never made something with filling inside ... it was a cool experience! I made the cupcakes and then was told to cut little cone shapes from the bottom to create a hollow:

Now, I was to make the filling ... which did not work the way it should have because I didn't have the ingredient they had asked me to use. I couldn't find it in the grocery store!! So I improvised and attempted anyway. Didn't work at all. Not knowing what to do ... I went online to find any basic recipe for a filling and used that instead:

I plugged the holes and covered the cupcakes with frosting. I even messed up with that part too. I was supposed to frost the top only but had thought the entire cupcake was to be covered with frost. No wonder I didn't have any left over for the last two cupcakes. I was getting annoyed.

This was the final product:

Yes ... they may look good ... but I wasn't too impressed with the taste of the final product :/ Don't know ... maybe because I didn't use the right filling or I surrounded the cupcake with too much frosting and I'm not a big fan of dark chocolate. Oh well ... there's always next time!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

~* Ramadan Mubarak *~

Assalaamu Alaikum :)

Ramadan Mubarak/Mabrook/Kareem ... etc! you get the point!!

Alhamdulillah ... the blessed month EVERYONE looks forward to is finally upon us once again. It is the month of Patience and Blessings. And the month where the gates of Paradise are opened and the gates of Hell are closed.

Allah's Apostle said, "When the month of ramadan starts, the gates of the heaven are opened and the gates of Hell are closed and the devils are chained." - Sahih Bukhari

This is the time for us all to take advantage of this beautiful month. Every year, when Ramadan approaches us ... I involve myself in more ibaadah (worship) then what I normally do. While continuing to recite as much Qur'an as I can, recite and memorize Surahs and study more on Islam ... I find myself continuing these practices even after Ramadan has ended, subhana'Allah. That's exactly what I am aiming for. I do not just want to worship Allah Swt for only this month and then not continue with it afterwards. I want to do as much as I can even after Ramadan. I want to make it seem that every month is Ramadan so I can do as much as I can to increase my Imaan.

Notice how we are able to do so much more during this blessed month? How we're able to stay away from things we should not be associating ourselves with in the first place? It is easy because we do not have Shaytaan whispering in our ears to do something which would displease Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. But also, if we do notice ourselves still taking part in things we should not be ... it just shows us how much of an influence Shaytaan has had upon us. With that realization, we should be able to overcome it and please Allah Swt instead of the shayateen, insha'Allah.

This Ramadan is going to be so special. It will be the last Ramadan I spend with my family *sigh* It's a little unbelievable when I think about it and it does make me sad but I want to make the most of it. Insha'Allah, next Ramadan I will be spending with my soon-to-be hubby and it will be just us in our own place. This Ramadan is going to be a little hectic as well because we will be in the process of moving, eep! May Allah Swt make it easy on my family. I'm coming to terms with the whole moving thing ... I'm excited to be in the new house.

Another thing I love about Ramadan, is the many people who are in the masjids, subhana'Allah. I just love it! Especially for Taraweeh. There is such a beautiful feeling in this entire month. What do you love most about Ramadan?

I make du'a that everyone's fasts and good deeds are accepted by Allah Swt during this month. Take advantage of it. Do as much as you can to please Allah Swt. Insha'Allah we will all be rewarded and will have a wonderful time :)

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