Sunday, July 31, 2005

The Struggles of Today

Assalaamu Alaikum :D

I pray that everyone is in great health and Imaan insha'Allah!

Just thought I would quickly write what I had the pleasure of observing today. I was on my way to my friend's manjai today but Asr salaah time occured so we stopped by the nearest masjid, Nugget. And to our lovely surprise, after salaah, there was a young man who took the Shahadah! Oh masha'Allah, that just made me incredibly happy :D Yes, like that! haha A new Muslim among us. It was the first time I had heard anything like that and I can't express the joy my mother and I were experiencing at that time.

It just made me think. Unfortunately, the time right now is such a struggle for Muslims everywhere. Being accused of heinous acts that obviously we all know Islam DOES NOT encourage in this beautiful Deen of ours. The media seems to be another form of Shaytaan, brainwashing so many to think that the Muslims are the enemy, na'udhubillah. But after all that, you really have to admire how we deal with this. We don't give in to what they say, instead, all this makes us stronger alhamdulillah and insha'Allah it will strengthen our Ummah and make it one. Aww wouldn't that be just wonderful? Anyhoo, we should know that there are still people out there who are doing their best to know what Islam is really about and that was exactly what that young man did. Allah Swt guides whom He (Swt) wills and He has. My du'a for him is that insha'Allah this new life of his will only lead him to good, may Allah Swt always and forever keep him on Sirat-ul-Mustaqeem and help better this world of ours, ameen.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Chee-Town Hydro Craziness

Assalaamu Alaikum :D

Well, I have returned from Chicago. It was actually a really nice trip! My trips there usually end up weird, not going to get into that but this one was quite nice. We initially went for a relative's anniversary/2 graduation parties all in one! And I must say, it was one entertaining party haha I got the chance to hang out with my cousin's which was real nice alhamdulillah. May Allah Swt always bless them.

Anyways, so many crazy things happened in that one visit haha The ride there was good. There was one freaky part when somehow a moth got into the car! It was fluttering around my brother and for a change, he started screeching! haha And I was screaming, trying to cover myself with a blanket. Oh my, it was just chaotic. Eventually, it got sucked outside through the window *phew* We arrived at my cousin's house and I finally got the chance to meet their almost one year old son Ayaan or as I call him "ayoo" aww masha'Allah, he has got the most adorable smile, it's sooo wide, showing off one little tooth ... aww! My brother was told to park the car in my cousoin's driveway because my dad had parked it in the one beside it, someone else's. But I guess my brother didn't hear so he left the car there all night. The next day, I go outside to get something from the car ... the car is not there. I figured maybe someone put the car in the garage. I went to ask my cousin and he goes "no ... what are you talking about ...." haha He started to get scared. He ran outside and he's like "Where did your brother park the car?!" We found out that the car got towed away :o Now, this is something that cannot be told to my father. He has a short temper and if he found out, someone would have gotten into trouble, uh oh spaghettios! So my brother and cousin ran out to find out where the car is, alhamdulillah they found it and brought it home. Though brother-dearest was not thrilled with the price he had to pay.

I'll just write about the highlight of my trip. It was too weird. There is a wedding coming up in Chicago that my family recently got invited to. My dad found out that one of his classmates resides in Chicago so they invited us to his daughter's wedding. Well, since we were in Chicago, they invited us over to their house. We arrived there, a very beautiful home masha'Allah and we all settled inside in the living room. I wanted to meet the girl getting married and just then she came and sat with us. The first thing she tells me is, "you look familiar". Oh my, now whenever someone says that to me, I just know that they've seen me on Islamica or even Naseeb *gasp* And as it turns out, she's seen me on both! It was Smuggler! awwwww I was so shocked because we both kept in touch for little bit, I was trying to give her some ideas for her wedding. Now the statement "all hydros (hyderabadi's) know each other somehow" is very valid haha Masha'Allah she is such a sweet girl! She also told her brother who is on the site as well. My goodness, both of them were treating me as if I was some sort of superstar! *blush* They're like "We have a famous person in our house!" aww! Later on, she took me to her bedroom so we could have a hijab session teehehe She wanted to know how I wore my hijab so I showed her. I thought it was real nice, lots of fun too! Anyway, that's the story. We took some pics, including Mr Toodles (cutie stuffed doggie) ... she was shocked that I actually brought him along to Chicago! I'm kinda confused myself too as to why ... I'm a weirdo.

Amazing ... how our dad's knew each other from their school days. And now, their daughter's are friends without even knowing the connection! That's hyderabadi's for you haha Smuggler, I'm so sorry that I can't make it to your wedding but do know that my du'as are with you and your fiance, may Allah Swt bless you both, bless your home and bless your offspring insha'Allah!

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Muslim Day @ Canada's Wonderland!

Assalaamu Alaikum :D

Wow ... what an absolutely lovely day! It was Muslim Day at Canada's Wonderland ... as you may have most likely read from the title of this entry. It was a great day but the drizzling rain kind of ruined it :( I was using the park guide as my umbrella but the poor thing didn't last very long. I sat on a few rides, as much as I could. I just feel oh so sorry for the people who sit around me during the ride becuz I scream like there is no tomorrow! It's true ... and very bad. For instance, one of the rides I went on was called The Sledgehammer. I screamed like a crazy person and at the end when we were about to get off, this little girl openly asks, "who was screaming like a girl?!" haha My sister pointed at me and she was like "oh hehe" and then later started chanting "ohhh my ears, my ears!" haha Aww sowie little girl!

I would say, my most favourite part was when we entered the "Muslim Bazaar". I don't know why but I was not expecting that! Eventhough it was Muslim Day and obviously there would be stalls with clothing, hijabs and halal food. But we entered and I was just awestuck. Everywhere you looked, were hijabi's, niqabi's and just well dressed individuals masha'Allah! When you're coming from places with people who parade around with barely nothing covering them on their bodies (istaghfir'Allah, so bad on the eyes), it was refreshing to see people covered! Masha'Allah! The atmosphere just immediately changed. My sister and I agreed that it resembled the experience of when we would walk around in Medina shopping outside of the haram *happy sigh* There was an area for the men and women to pray their salaah, it was so nice to see. Everyone looked like they were enjoying themselves! I certainly was. Especially during the concert that was held. They started it off so beautifully with the Qur'anic recitation and performers from Turkey. Finally, the long awaited act by Raihan began. I was getting giddy teehehe They sounded incredible masha'Allah! It was a definite must-see.

Eventhough I went with family, I did run into many people that I recognized. It was so nice seeing them! And again, I saw an Islamican that I had recently met ... her username is "cricketgal" and she's visiting from London *faint* .... It was great meeting you again, hun! I had a cute encounter also, during the Raihan concert. A little girl who was sitting behind me tapped me on the shoulder. I had no idea who she was. But she was telling me that she had recognized me from some party a while ago. After a while of explaining, I finally understood which party she was talking about! I thought it was soo cute that she actually remembered me from there! Masha'Allah, she was a doll.

I've been working on a "hijab project" of mine this summer. Stitching pretty beads to the inner piece of my hijab. Well I wore one of them today and a lot of people seemed to like it a lot! Aww I felt special :D My sister says I should make more and sell them on eBay ... *looks off into the distance* Insha'Allah ... we'll see how it goes.

I'm sure some other crazy stuff happened today ... I'm too tired to think. I hope everyone out there is doing great! Take care and have a grrreat week!

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Heebie Jeebies

Assalaamu Alaikum :D

Everything gives me the heebie jeebies. Anything, that is living, to be more specific. It's true, I'm not exaggerating :( It's horrible, I hate it! Little insects freak me out, birds freak me out, dogs (especially!!), cats, lions, tigers and bears, oh my! Sometimes ... Blinky even scares me a little.

I don't know why. If I hear one buzzing sound by my ear, I will let out a piercing scream. And my screams ... are very piercing. They don't call me "Squeeky" for nothing, you know! I scream at things so often that no one ever asks me what happened anymore :( My phobia with doggies started when I was real young and playing outside with a cousin of mine. I noticed the neighbors dog was nearby and it started to run right towards me. I turned around, closed my eyes and let ouf the most loudest scream ever! I waited a few minutes and noticed nothing had happened. I slowly turned around and saw the dog just sitting there giving me such a blank stare. haha

But really, I need to work on this horrible habit. It can get me into trouble! I stayed at my sister's for almost a week. It was a real nice vacation away from home, I had oodles of fun! Well, it was late at night and we were driving to Blockbuster. I had my window rolled down, enjoying the night-time breeze *sigh* My sister had to stop at a red light and at the corner of my eye, I noticed something big and scary flying towards my side of the car, towards my window, towards the window that was rolled down! I screamed and almost clung onto my sister. She got upset at me because the way I screamed was as if a car was headed towards us to crash! ahhhh eeeep.
heh heh ... I should be a bit more careful. I'm making other's panic and that's a no-no!

But this is not something easy to work on! I blame it on the bicycle accident I was in as a little toddler, got two fractures on my skull from it. My heebie jeebies problem must have been triggered from that crash.

Well that's my story. I'm a scaredy-cat.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Assalaamu Alaikum :D

Hope everyone out there is doing just great, insha'Allah. Today is my daddy's 61st birthday, masha'Allah!! Wow ... the days are just zooming past us. I'm already in my early 20's and he's already in his early 60's! All I can do at a time like this is just pray that Allah Swt blesses him with many more years after this, filled with love, happiness, success and Deen. It's amazing though, my dad doesn't really look that old, he's quite active for his age. When I see other men that are in their 60's ... completely different from my father! He's always on the move. But I can't help but pray for his health. Alhamdulillah, there is nothing wrong with him but obviously at this age, you tend to slow down a bit.

We will probably go out for a family dinner. I think that would be nice. And we will most likely reflect on the past years like we always do haha Should be fun!

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