Thursday, August 23, 2007


Assalaamu Alaikum :)

I bought myself a PINK basketball the other day ....

I know, most people are thinking ... "uh, Squeeky's associating herself with sports?! Has the world gone crazy?!" Alright, calm down! It's no secret that I'm not a sporty person. The last time I participated in any sport was during highschool gym class. Not that I don't like sports, I do, but I'd rather be there watching the sport live rather than sitting at home in front of a television set. As for playing ... hmm, never got into it, I suppose.

So, why did I suddenly buy myself a basketball? Because of my fiance. He's a "baller" and participates in basketball tournaments. He says he's good but I guess I'll have to judge that for myself tee hee Well, he convinced me to start practicing so we can play a game together ... eep. I suppose I'm in for A LOT of practicing! But it's still not fair! He's got quite the height advantage over me :( I don't stand a chance against him. I'm only 5' and he's 6'3 ... he could step on me if he wanted to! *sigh* I'll just have to act like a mouse then ... scurrying around ... I'll be too quick for him!

I guess I'll go 'shoot some hoops' before I head to the gyme ... wish me luck!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Best. Weekend. Ever.

Assalaamu Alaikum :)

I told myself that I wouldn't write any wedding-related posts only because ... well, I just didn't feel like it. But now I'm rethinking that. I think I should write at least some posts of my wedding planning because in the future, I would be able to come back here and remember the memories I had during this time.

My weekend was simply great, alhamdulillah. On Saturday, my fiance's family came over to my house so that we can go together to the banquet hall we are interested in for the wedding. It was a really nice setting ... we were going over the menu for each day. My goodness, so much food! Finally, after completing that list, we were off to the banquet hall.

Mind you, we left around 11pm and there was a sikh wedding in progress. It was soo funny because we were all under dressed! And it was a pretty huge wedding too, about 700 people, so my dad says. Loud, it was very very loud. I honestly couldn't hear myself think! I had been to this place a couple of times in the past but I never really paid attention to it so I was finally able to really see the place. I like it! Now, it doesn't take too long to check out a hall and my dad was busy talking about prices, etc. The rest of us didn't know what else to do. So we'd walk outside and stand there for a while because it was just too loud for us inside. And then we'd walk back in because it was getting chilly outside! Luckily, there was a couch available for our mothers to sit on.

I noticed a picture on display of the bride and groom and told my fiance that I was going to go look at it. During that time, I noticed the guestbook on the table .... tee hee I went back to him and asked him, "dare me to write in their guestbook?" haha So he dared me and we went and I wrote "congratulations" and he told me to sign it with our names haha Then he added something too. We ran away from there as soon as we were done in fear that the bodyguards present would kick us out. Our families must have looked so odd, just standing around ... we were probably the only Muslim family standing in the lobby looking uncomfortable.

The next day, we all met up at the Markham Fair mella ... such a crappy mella. I wasn't pleased with anything I saw there. Then again, I wasn't looking for clothes so maybe if I was, I would have seen some nice things. But I was more interested in something else which I could not find *sigh* I guess it is off to Gerrard I go! My family had to leave the mella earlier because we were going to visit my lovely cousin who lives close by. We had sooo much fun because we were playing table tennis in her basement. I was extra excited to play because my fiance is always telling me how he gets together with his co-workers and plays ping-pong just before the day is over ... now it was my time to shine!

Alhamdulillah :)

Friday, August 17, 2007

It's a GIRL!

Assalaamu Alaikum :D

Oh, my little blog ... kinda missing it.

Anyhooz, wanted to express my excitement here! My cousin's wife just gave birth to a baby GIRL, masha'Allah! Ahh ... we're so happy and excited! Alhamdulillah, they have been blessed with another girl. So that makes one boy and two girls now .... which is good because their son is already a handful haha But I love him.

I just want to run over there and see them but I need to control myself *sigh* I'm just glad that my cousin's wife didn't have to wait too long for the baby ... if I'm correct, she was born near her due date.

Alhamdulillah, both baby and mommy are doing fine. Please keep them in your du'as.

Can't wait until they name her! Yay!

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