Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Slow Realization

Assalaamu Alaikum :)

A friend of mine is going through a very tough period in her life. Her father had suffered from a stroke about a week ago. He is currently in Riyadh and she flew down there with her brother a few days ago to be with her family. Insha'Allah, her husband will be able to join her next month; he's in Ottawa. For a while her father was in a coma but she says that his level of coma is changing. He is now able to open is eyes for about a minute and he even attempted at lifting his hand. Unfortunately, he is still not fully conscious.

My heart goes out to her. My du'as go out to her father and the family. She was describing her feelings when she first saw her father in such a state and it was just unbearable. It is so difficult to see your parent that way. Especially your father. To most children, myself included, they see their father as some sort of a "superhero". Someone who can do anything and is capable of doing anything. I always think to myself, "I don't think there is anything my father can't do" and alhamdulillah, he is reaching an old age too. To be able to do so much at that age, it truly is a blessing. And then ... to see that man you have always considered to be unbreakable ... lying in a hospital bed, unable to move, speak or even keep their eyes open ... is heartbreaking. I make du'a that Allah Swt blesses her father with a full recovery where he is able to regain his mental and physical abilities. And that my friend and her family are blessed with patience so they may be able to be strong for him during this time. Ameen.

I have many posts which relate to my feelings towards parents and children because I see myself as a very family oriented person and care so deeply for them. Everyone has their ups and downs with parents but we need to remind ourselves to be patient because they reminded themselves of patience during the time they brought us up and put up with our shananigans :) (hehe I had to throw that word in there) Our treatment towards parents is always discussed within Islam and Allah Swt commands us to be kind towards them. Let us follow that very simple teaching, insha'Allah.

Her situation just got me thinking a lot ... and I feel I need to take advantage of the time I have with my parents right now. It's not like they're getting any younger. I can only pray that Allah Swt continues to bless them with good health and have them with me when I raise my own family in the future, insha'Allah. My parents would make amazing grandparents and I would like nothing more than to have my children around influences like them.

Take advantage of the time you have right now with your parents or any loved one ... you never know what tomorrow will bring.

*~* Today's Virtue *~*
Faithfulness is being loyal to our beliefs, remaining firm and steadfast regardless of what happens. When our faith is tested, we stay strong, and learn from the experience. We do our work with meticulous care and excellence, faithful to its true intent. With the people we love, we are abiding and trustworthy. They know we will not abandon them or violate the sacred trust between us. Faithfulness through the changes and tests of time is a sign of lasting love. Faithful friendship is one of life's greatest treasures.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

The Yahoo! Me

Assalaamu Alaikum :)

So a few of my fellow bloggers have the Yahoo! Avatar to express themselves for that day or entry. I have always found it to be a nice method to get your mood across and pondered whether or not I should include one for my blog. I thought about it ... even played around with it ... but it just wasn't me. Where was the hijab?! I could not possibly post up a little character with hair showing! That would not be representing me at all haha So I *sighed* and put the idea on the backburner once again.

But then ... as I was exploring ... I came across something that did look somewhat like a hijab! Actually, it was labeled as a "grim reaper hood" but to me, it looked perfect and appropriate. I just loved it and I really want to share it. Who knows, maybe I will even add it to my blog in time. It's just so cute! :)

Introducing ... *drum roll please* ... Squeeky the Avatar:

Anyhooz, update on my life. It's been busy. The toughest week just left me and I am ever so happy. For the entire month I have been preparing my students for the Science Fair. Yes, my itty bitty Kindergarteners were expected to participate in the Science Fair. It was difficult but fun as well because they just love doing experiments so I tried to give each of them something easy yet fascinating. The day of the Fair, we rearranged all the classrooms and set up their experiments. Before the parents were to come, we did a rehearsal for the entire school. My class was first. I was basically with each of my students nudging them along because of course most were unable to remember what to say next. It was just a great opportunity to aquaint themselves with scientific terms like Purpose, Hypothesis, Materials, etc. After going through each one and finally reaching the end ... I stood there and thought, "Oh great, I will have to do this all over again once the parents arrive". Argh! The first time around was tiring enough! But I held it together and we did it. I was so proud of my students and each of them were so brave. I remember becoming so nervous when I would do presentations and these little ones ... were up there literally making everybody laugh. Subhana'Allah, may Allah Swt preserve their innocence.

Since I don't get a "long weekend", Friday was the Parent-Teacher Interviews which went quite well, alhamdulillah. And tomorrow, the teachers have a little party for a teacher who recently left on maternity leave. It should be nice. Each of us will bring food so I'm thinking I'll make cookies and get samosas.

Speaking of cookies, I made Chocolate Chip Cookies yesterday. I have always wanted to master chocolate chip cookies and yay, I did! Enjoy.

I finally received my pack of 100 Virtue cards. So I decided each time I write an entry (how ever often that may be) I will randomly choose a card for that day and post it. Like I am doing right now ...

~* Today's Virtue *~
Righteousness is living by a code of moral rectitude. It is practicing impeccable integrity in light of what we know is right. We don't allow the fads of the day to sway us from doing the right thing. Nor do we stand in judgment of others. Righteousness is one thing. Self-righteousness is another. We don't shame ourselves when we go off track. We discern the lesson in the teachable moment and gently call ourselves back to the virtues. We resist being driven by our egos. We choose to be led by our souls. We live the good life.

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