Monday, February 27, 2006

Bye Bye Celly

Assalaamu Alaikum :)

My dad finally did it ... he convinced me to change my cell phone service provider to Rogers from Bell Mobility *sigh* The reason is that everyone in my family is with Rogers, except for myself. Which was fine with me because in a way, I always wanted to get away from Bell but I held on because my number would change if I were to switch companies. And the bill for keeping numbers has not really been passed yet. I believe at the moment, only businesses have the option of keeping their numbers. Anyways, not only did my phone number change, but so did my cell phone :(

I was in love with my old phone ... because it was small, silver, and just so cute. And it was an Audiovox but I didn't care, I don't need too much in my phones ... I just need to like them, and feel that 'bond' with them. Umm, yeah.

So my current phone, which I have already nicknamed Knight Rider is the Samsung p207

Samsung p207 aka Knight Rider

It is offered in White as well but I chose the black since it seemed very different. I like it, don't get me wrong. I just need to get used to it. What I did was teehehe since I'm going to miss my old phone terribly, I took a picture of it with my camera in the phone and placed it as my wallpaper! Aww! The thing is, I don't really work well with change, it's a problem and I'm working on it! It's my brother who I feel sorry for because I go straight to him if I have complaints about my new phone not having certain things that my old phone had.

for example ............


I always use my alarm and realizing that this phone does not provide me with a 'snooze option' has been really getting to me haha I just wanna cry.

Yes, these are the kinds of dilemmas I go through. But overall, as I have been exploring with the phone options, it's been growing on me. So far so good! So, thank you daddy :)

Friday, February 24, 2006

Back to the Past

Assalaamu Alaikum :)

*~*~* Jummah Mubarak *~*~*

*sigh* I can't stress what a wonderful day I had yesterday. Alhamdulillah. It was very much needed, to just get away from my very routine world. A good friend of mine is visiting from Ottawa for the week. I had not seen her since she got married over the summer. We used to go to York together, we attended a class together ... and we would always have our regular snacks at Wendy's ... the baked patotoes ... awww how I miss it! York brought us together, it really did.

Anyways, so she's finally here and whenever she comes to visit, for some reason our plans always conflict. I can never seem to go and see her. When a perfect opportunity arose the last time she visited, I had an exam :( But I was getting completely sick of this! I had to do something, I had to make sure that we saw each other at least once on her visit home! So we talked and realized that Thursday was the only good day for the both of us. But even then, I would have to really work hard because of the circumstances haha

She had to go out for her mother's doctor's appointments and since my dad was not able to make it to her place before she left, I just met her at the hospital. From all places to meet someone. So I hung out with them and then we ended up going to ... are you ready? Wendy's!! For old time sake. It brought back soo many memories. We would talk about anything and everything while eating that haha and trust me, there was A LOT of time because it takes me a LONG time to finish eating. heh ... heh ...

Wendy's Baked Potato

Next stop was Food Basics haha And then back to her place where I assisted with the cooking for today's party that they will be having. Okay, all I did was peel carrots and watch her make guacamole dip but hey, I did something! Hmm, I just realized that I didn't even get the chance to taste it. Darn.

Whatever, the moral of the story is ... I am so blessed to have such wonderful people surrounding me and to have friends like her. I would be lost if I didn't have friends like that. It's a beautiful thing to consider friends your family ... may Allah Swt bless us all with such good people in our lives, ameen.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Facing Reality .... with treats :)

Assalaamu Alaikum :D

Oh how I've missed you all, and my blog. I pray you are all doing well by the grace of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. I haven't had a very pleasant couple of months unfortunately and the things that happened, and the decisions that were made, were very difficult to endure. But something happened last night ... which also was not pleasant to endure but it happened, and now I clearly see ... that the decision that was made was actually done by the will of Allah Swt. I have never felt so sure about something in my life and now, I can see things peacefully because "everything happens for a reason" and I understand now why things happened the way they did. Allah Swt saved me from something and I am so grateful to Him (swt) for sending me just the guidance that I needed. Alhamdulillahi Rabbil 'Alameen. It's just very unfortunate that things had to end up this way ...

Anyways! I'm not going to let anything interfere in my life ... I need to live it in such a way where Allah Swt will always be pleased with me, insha'Allah. So I finally went into the kitchen after a really long time haha had to spread some barakah :D

Mrs Field's Cookies!!
Mixing with my
Thats me mixing all the ingredients together ... it was a toughy
The Final Product ... success!
The Final Product

I was so scared that it wouldn't taste right because this recipe was targeted for 9 dozen cookies! But alhamdulillah ... it tastes just like Mrs Field's Cookies *mmm* I shall update later for other things insha'Allah, until then ... take care

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