Bye Bye Celly
Assalaamu Alaikum :)
My dad finally did it ... he convinced me to change my cell phone service provider to Rogers from Bell Mobility *sigh* The reason is that everyone in my family is with Rogers, except for myself. Which was fine with me because in a way, I always wanted to get away from Bell but I held on because my number would change if I were to switch companies. And the bill for keeping numbers has not really been passed yet. I believe at the moment, only businesses have the option of keeping their numbers. Anyways, not only did my phone number change, but so did my cell phone :(
I was in love with my old phone ... because it was small, silver, and just so cute. And it was an Audiovox but I didn't care, I don't need too much in my phones ... I just need to like them, and feel that 'bond' with them. Umm, yeah.
So my current phone, which I have already nicknamed Knight Rider is the Samsung p207
It is offered in White as well but I chose the black since it seemed very different. I like it, don't get me wrong. I just need to get used to it. What I did was teehehe since I'm going to miss my old phone terribly, I took a picture of it with my camera in the phone and placed it as my wallpaper! Aww! The thing is, I don't really work well with change, it's a problem and I'm working on it! It's my brother who I feel sorry for because I go straight to him if I have complaints about my new phone not having certain things that my old phone had.
for example ............
I always use my alarm and realizing that this phone does not provide me with a 'snooze option' has been really getting to me haha I just wanna cry.
Yes, these are the kinds of dilemmas I go through. But overall, as I have been exploring with the phone options, it's been growing on me. So far so good! So, thank you daddy :)