If you have always wanted to know what goes on in my life (which isn't much *sigh*) then you have come to the right place! Enjoy your stay! Have some chocolate.
Another year where I have been blessed to spend with my mother.
It's my mum's birthday today! Can never remember her age because she refuses to share hehe Mothers. Just wanted to dedicate an entry for her because she deserves it. There is no one like my mother. Alhamdulillah, she is one of my greatest blessings from Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. I feel that your mother has a great deal of influence upon you and I am proud to say that I have received a very positive one from her. There is no one else in the world that I look up to more than my mother. If I can be half the person she is ... then I would consider myself even more blessed. One of my goals is to be like her. No one is more beautiful, wise, pious and silly as her. Boy, is she ever silly haha
I love her
I have mentioned before the high position that Allah Swt has kept for our mother's. Heaven is said to be under her feet ... so that alone can just show you how special and important she is. If you have upset your mother in any way ... Allah will not forgive you until your mother forgives you.
We have a tendency of taking people for granted ... and unfortunately, that is usually the love that we receive from our mothers. We will never understand the hardships she endured just to bring us into this world and raise us to be good people. Respect and love your mother, because only then will Allah Swt do the same for you. Her prayers are always accepted :)
So mummy, I know you don't read my blog but maybe I'll read it to you ... I am truly blessed to have a mother like you. May Allah Swt bless me for many more years with you, insha'Allah.
How do you feel when you read that? And then how do you feel when you start thinking of everything that comes with death? Such as standing on the Day of Judgement, alone, questioned by Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.
But before we are all together on that Day, awaiting our punishments or rewards ... we must remember that we may be experiencing punishments before that Day even arrives. The punishment of the grave.
How often do you think about that? The very moment Allah Swt decides to remove us from this world, it begins. Depending on how one lived their life, their actions will be either punished or rewarded the very second they have taken their last breath. We may be motionless or unfeeling to the seeing eye ... but our body can still very much feel a great deal when we die. It is why we are to be gentle with a body while preparing it for its grave because even the slightest touch may hurt it.
Allah Swt is so Raheem (merciful) and Kareem (generous) ... it is our duty to obey the commands of Him (swt) and live our lives accordingly to the way our beloved Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wasalam) has taught us, insha'Allah. If you are a sinner, the moment you enter your grave, the punishments will begin. This is where the Qur'an plays a great role. Yes, you will be alone during that frightful time in the grave but if you make a point of reciting the Qur'an daily ... it will be present with you and protect you from any punishments that may come your way. Begin your day by reciting the Qur'an and end your day by reciting the Holy Qur'an. In the grave, the Qur'an (usually said to come in the form of a handsome man) will keep you company and will not leave your side even during the time the angels come to ask you their questions about your faith. On the Day of Judgement, when you will be questioned about your deeds, the Qur'an will be there to defend you stating that you took the time to recite it and make it a part of your daily life.
I'm afraid of so many things ... well, basically everything. It's so silly, I'm silly. When I start thinking of the punishments of the grave, that is what I fear the most and beg to Allah Swt that He (swt) pardon my sins and have mercy on me, insha'Allah. Just the thought of being there, alone, unable to do anything but take what will be given. I can only pray that it will be comfort instead of pain. If you are a sinner during your life, the ground will punish you by squeezing your body from all ends, among many other things. If you have lived a life in devotion to Allah Swt ... insha'Allah you shall experience the most beautiful rest during that time and wake up on the Day of Judgement from a peaceful nap.
This is not a light issue. Many people don't take the punishments of the grave seriously when it should be. A sunnah of the Prophet (saw) is to recite Surah Tabarak (also known as Surah Mulk) each day so that you may be protected from what is to come during the grave. Insha'Allah, Allah Swt will reward our efforts.
May Allah Swt save us all from the punishments of the grave, ameen.
I'm not really in the mood to write an entry but I feel I should update those who care what is going on in my life, aww :D
Blinky Alhamdulillah ... that little fellow is feeling better! Unfortunately, we never got the opportunity to take him to a fish doctor. Two attempts were made, but no luck :( Either the store closed before we arrived or schedule's were not matching up between my brother and I. So that did not happen but I went by Blinky one day and noticed that he was looking much better! The nasty bump decreased greatly and he began giving me attitude immediately after seeing me. It was both a happy and sad moment. Why must he hate? I think my mother was feeding him too much. Beta fishes can go weeks without food but still, they should be fed so we started feeding him a bit everyday. My mom has a big soft spot for him and whenever she feeds him, she always ends up giving him some "bonus" meals. I think it's those "bonus" meals that have been getting him sick haha We should feed him a little less ... since it won't affect him too much I hope, insha'Allah. Yay for Blinky!
School Anyone remember me continuously complaining about a summer course that I was dying to get into? Well alhamdulillah ... I kept at it and I got enrolled! It was a VERY happy moment for me. I was meant to be in the course anyway because the following morning, the secretary from the department called me saying that there was a spot available for me, wee! If I was not able to get into this course, then I most likely would have had to come back in September and stay for a whole year. Which in a sense would have been okay, but I still wanted to graduate this year :) Insha'Allah that can happen now ... granted that I pass the course hehe
The summer has been looking good :) It's my last month being 22 so I feel I should make the most of it ... party time!! House party that is ;)