Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Blinky *sigh*

Assalaamu Alaikum :D

I'm all panicky.

This morning, I went to my fish, Blinky, to feed him. As I was doing so, I noticed that his behaviour was more strange than usual. Usually, he starts swimming around frantically and when he sees me, he gets into his "attitude" mode. I have been meaning to take a picture of that but it's been difficult. Anyways, he was not swimming around, rather he was just moving from one end to the other very slowly. When I sprinkled some food ... I noticed something quite puzzling. Blinky has some sort of bump under his neck. I have never seen it there before! And it's getting me worried. I showed my brother to make sure I wasn't seeing anything and he noticed it too.

I'm getting worried :(

Blinky's Bump
Blinky's Current Condition

Blinky's Bump 2

Blinky's Bump Circled!
Close-up of Blinky

This bump that he has does not look normal. You can judge for yourself. I wish I had a before and after pic. Oh wait, I think I do, there it is:

Blinky when I got him

The pictures make me want to cry *sniffle*

I've been praying that it is not too serious, insha'Allah. It's a male fish, not like it is pregnant because it's been a loner in that tank since I got him. Unless he's able to impregnate himself, eeh. Maybe I should visit my local Pet Store? Does anyone else own Beta fishes? Also known as fighter fish. Hmm. Blinky is at least supposed to last until my birthday in June! I got him on my birthday :(

Make du'a please ... he needs them.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Keep Fit and Have Fun!

Assalaamu Alaikum :D

I have been very happy with the way my summer has been progressing alhamdulillah. I do not feel lazy at all! (okay well, I do have my moments hehe) I have been keeping up with the gym for the past few weeks at the Exclusively Women's Fitness center. I mean, I have a membership, I think it should be put to some use! I only go a few times a week, yet I am now thinking that I should make it a daily occurence. Preferably every morning because I feel it would be a great way to start the day. That way, I can also catch my breakfast on time because like we all know ... "breakfast is the most important meal of the day"!

It is really important to make sure you keep yourself active because it will surely help you in the long run. One of the reasons why I am at the gym is because I have no muscle apparently :( And the women who work at my gym love to remind me each time I go for my fitness evaluation which happens every 6-8 weeks. Eeh, I'm working on it! I keep a routine for myself when I'm at the gym. First, make sure to do stretches! Once I began my workouts without doing so and it was a bad mistake ... was in so much pain *ouchies*. After that, I go straight to the Cardio Cinema room and use the bicycle and then the Stairmaster hehe It helps me to relax so that I may go to the Circuit Training room and feel good enough to attempt at those weight machines.

Along with my building muscle plans, I am planning to work on my eating habits. I think my eating habits are very poor and need desperate work on. There will be a day where I can go without food except for a little thing here and there ... and then there are days where I just cannot stop eating :S So I plan to follow the Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating. Keep up with that, and you are good to go! Well ... at least that's what I'm hoping for.

Anyone else in the gym scene? What do you usually focus on?

note: "gym" pronounced as "gyme"
Homer: Gyme? What's a gyme?
He enters the gym
Homer: (looking at the weight equipment) Ohhh ... a gyme!

Homer and

Monday, April 17, 2006

Broaden Your Horizon

Assalaamu Alaikum :)

After much demand, I have decided to write yet another entry. Even though I have absolutely nothing to discuss here. My life is getting weird these days, all I can think about is "will I get into that summer course or not?!" It's frustrating *sigh* But the best will happen for me so insha'Allah, I'm good.

Allow me to express some observations of mine. I have been noticing my father's behaviour towards my 20 (soon-to-be 21, insha'Allah) year old brother who is currently with Seneca @ York University in the Digital Media Arts program. My father can be your typical desi parent and I feel that he holds some disappointment in my brother for not pursuing a career path that is so stereotypical in our culture, unfortunately. Why are you seen to be most successful if you are a doctor? A lawyer? A dentist? I admit, those are some pretty great professions but only if these individuals are pursuing it out of their own interests instead of being told that this is what they must do in order to be a name in society. It is a big pet peeve of mine. I LOVE it when people study what makes them truly happy because that is what matters in the end. You will be the one living this profession so why not enjoy what you are doing? Masha'Allah, my brother is very talented at what he does, very creative. He isn't much of a "school kid", meaning he does not do too well when it comes to school but when it concerns something that interests him and he has great skill at it, it's quite impressive what he is able to accomplish. I know he feels that he may be a somewhat failure in our father's eyes and that is what really bothers me. My dad is proud of what he is capable of but because he rarely shows it, how is my brother to feel that what he is doing, is making his father happy? It is so important for a parent to encourage their child in whatever they are interested in because you do not know what success may come out of it.

Which leads me to my next and final point. I had an interesting discussion with someone of the past that relates to this. We were discussing parent's encouraging only the specific and typical professions of today for their children. Doctors, etc are very needed in today's world, where would we be without them? But sometimes you need to look at the big picture here. Considering our Ummah, we need to focus on making it grow and become stronger so that we are able to handle whatever comes our way and maintain it. And what this individual was telling me, is that we really need to broaden our horizons, and have Muslims in every field possible so that we can make this happen. How much can we do if we are told to limit ourselves in specific areas of professions? I found this to make total sense and I completely agree ... alhamdulillah, there is so much talent among our Muslim brother's and sister's and we need to encourage one another to do as much as we can because in the end ... it will result upon our Ummah's growth, and it should only do so, positively. Insha'Allah.

Happy?! haha Wow, I praised my brother quite a bit in this entry. It's a good thing he never reads my blog hehe Anyways, I hope everyone is well insha'Allah, please remember me in your du'as that I am given permission to attend that class :( *sigh* JazaakAllahu khairaa!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Almost Over ...

Assalaamu Alaikum :)

How are the exams coming along, my lovely blog readers who are in Uni ...? Insha'Allah they will all go well. As for myself, alhamdulillah, the year is over. Which at one point would have told me that school is out forever but events seem to change with me last minute. Apparently, I am missing some credits so I will not be able to graduate in June, but in October, insha'Allah. That is, if I get into the summer course that I want. I'm sure I can make it happen :) I was a little disappointed that I would not be able to experience that June convocation but I am okay with it now. You just need to watch what you wish for sometimes haha I didn't want to leave York, now York doesn't want me to leave! I have never taken summer school before except for last summer, but it was an evening course (which I never take either). I found that to be such a different experience from the daily daytime York life. I liked it, actually. Now this summer, I have the opporunity to experience York in the summer time, during the day! I'm very excited because I think our campus looks absolutely beautiful in the summer time and whenever I'm in school during the year, it is always at the time when Fall begins and Winter rolls in. So no greenery and pretty flowers :( I just really need to focus on getting into the course I want. I'm on a waiting list but it is not necessary that I may get in so I'll just resort to Plan B. Get into a class that is for the whole summer instead of a couple of months. However, I would appreciate du'as to get me into my preferred option :D JazaakAllahu khairaa!!

That, is my academic situation at the moment. There is so much to look forward to for the summer. My cousin who lives in New Jersey is finally coming home to visit! She has not been in Canada for a few years now and we are all excited to see her as well as her adorable little girls, insha'Allah. I think that is the only thing I am truly looking forward to for the summer. Her girls are so cute masha'Allah ... it makes me sad that I cannot be a part of their daily lives *sigh*

As for my Uloom courses, they are going amazingly. I love them to bits. We have been discussing the importance of parents quite a bit in class. It is is so frightening the punishments one will receive if they are disobedient to their parents, especially when they are in their old age. Your parents are blessings to you, they have been there for you through all the bad times ... moments that you yourself are not even aware of. Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala commands not to associate partners with Him (swt) and the next sin is to be disobedient to your parents. It is your mother that deserves to be treated with love, care and respect because she spent 9 months of her life, carrying you ... taking care of you ... experiencing such pain, just to bring you into this world and raise you into a good human being. After all, under her feet lies Jannah. Allow me to share a hadeeth :)

Mu'awiya b. Haida said:
"I asked, 'Messenger of Allah, towards whom should I be dutiful?' He said, 'Your mother.' I asked, 'Then towards whom?' He replied, 'Your mother.' Again I asked, 'Then towards whom?' He answered, 'Your mother.' I said, 'Then towards whom should I be dutiful?' He said, 'Your father, and then the next nearest relative and then the next nearest.' "
I love my mummy
Before I end this, I would like to share some of my flowers that I am eagerly waiting to bloom this summer. I hope they do, the package did say seasonal :/

My pretty flower

Orange-y rose

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